Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baptism Day

The wonderful day is finally here. Andrew is going to be baptized and become a member of the church. There is such a special spirit around today and a special spirit around Andrew. He seemed to be ready and he really took it very seriously. 

A few pics before the baptism.

I usually give the talk on either baptism or the Holy Ghost, but because of how the medication that I was on was affecting me, I didn't feel like getting up in front of a group of people. Jess readily agreed to do it this time. I was so grateful, but I didn't realize how much he'd be doing! The talk on baptism (in his white jumpsuit), the baptism and the confirmation. He is such an amazing man and an even more amazing dad. He helped make it a nice spiritual experience for Drew.

After the baptism we stopped in the foyer to take family pics with grandma and grandpa. They came all the way from California for him! Of course hey did!

Oh my...he looks like a tiny missionary

Grandpa and Matt

Lily (5)

Aguinaga crew

With grandma and grandpa
So handsome

To commemorate the wonderful day we went out to eat at San Tan Flat. The food was yummy and the visiting was fun! (Andrew ordered a corn dog and fries)

Always keeping things fun :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Day of Cub Scouts

Now that he's 8 he can join cub scouts! He gets to have his first time be a pack night, so he whole family is going...perfect for me to take pictures! :)

Our scouts

Andrew has some crazy faces he can make!

Brothers talking before it starts

Saying the Cub Scout Promise

Being introduced to the pack

Playing a fun game with Joey
 He had a great time tonight and he will have his first Den meeting next week where he will meet his leaders. The funny thing to me about these pictures is that I had him tuck in his shirt for the ones where we are at home, then he begged me to be able to untuck it. It apparently was driving him crazy. He seemed much more comfortable once it was out. Hehehe...too cute.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

8th Birthday

Since we had a big celebration in CA for Andrew, we were just having a small one here at home. With a choice of any sweet treat he wanted, he chose to have ice cream sundaes instead of a cake. 

So with this untraditional approach it was only fitting that instead of candles, this is what he wanted to do...

After that he had the idea to do another stunt...a bit messier this time...

And for the grand finale, as we were enjoying our ice cream, he asked if he could stick his face in his ice cream..."sure!" Here is what preceded to happen...

Andrew is such a fun and adventurous kid. He always keeps us guessing and keeps life fun an interesting. Eight is a big birthday. Baptism is a week away, and cub scouts starts in a few days. I knew the time would come when we had 3 just felt like it came so fast. 

We love you Andrew, and we are so excited for everything that is to come!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"I pulled out my tooth ALL BY MYSELF!"

We were driving to meet a friend of mine and this happened on the way. Luckily I had Matthew in the front seat with me and I put him on camera duty so I didn't have to stop driving. At first Andrew was in the backseat telling me that his tooth hurt. I asked if it was loose and he said, "kind of". But to my surprise I hear, "I just pulled out my tooth! All by myself!!!" Andrew was so, SO proud of himself and kept saying, "Daddy will be so impressed!" He was very cute about it.

And just to be clear, the new hole is the one on the top. This is the 8th tooth that Drew has lost!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Andrew The Red-Nosed Reindeer...

While riding his scooter down the neighbor's driveway he hit a rock and face-planted into the concrete. I'm glad that this is ALL that happened! So now he has to sport a scabby nose for a while. I think I'll wait to take our yearly family picture until it heals. He's still cute!

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

The "Fourth"

Andrew and I talking while driving to go grocery shopping. So cute. Classic Andrew:


Andrew: you know what the fourth is?

Me: Yep I do.

Andrew: Well what is it?

Me: When you're counting and you count 1-2-3-4...the one that is #4 is the fourth.

Andrew: Nope. That's not it.

Me: Really? (At this point I'm only listening to him half least until he said this...)

Andrew: Pretend I'm Obi-wan-kenobi...and the window is down, and there is a bad guy over there. I'm going to use the fourth to win a fight with him.

(By now I am holding back my laughter...see, Andrew has a lisp. All of his "S" sounds come out as "th".)

Me: Ohhhhh...ok. I get it now........

Andrew: The fourth gives you power!

Me: (Quiet for a sec) Lets practice your "S" sounds again ok? Say "sssssssss" say "forsssssss".

Friday, August 14, 2009

All About Dinosaurs:

Drew makes me laugh. Here is one of our conversations on the way to pick up the boys from cute!

Andrew: Mom...dinosaurs are all killed right?...And they live at the museum?

Mom: Yep! Dinosaurs are extinct.

Andrew: Yeah...they ARE pretty smelly!